Integrirani teritorijalni program – ključ za regionalni razvoj
Razdoblje 2021. – 2027. donosi novi ciklus financiranja iz fondova Europske unije, u kojem Integrirani teritorijalni program (ITP) igra značajnu ulogu u postizanju ravnomjernog i
Struktura kapitala predstavlja omjer dužničkog (tuđeg) i vlasničkog kapitala društva. Takva podjela otkriva kako je društvo financiralo imovinu s kojom generira prihode.
Osnovni zadatak financijskog menadžmenta društva je pronaći optimalnu strukturu kapitala koja će odražavati najmanji stupanj rizika uz najmanji trošak kapitala.
Jedan od problema s kojim se susreću poduzetnici je pribavljanje kapitala I financiranje nastavka poslovnog projekta.
Izvori financiranja su:
The basic task of financial management is to maintain an optimal capital structure that will reflect the minimum level of risk and the lowest cost of capital
The process of obtaining debt capital often seems long and complicated and it is advisable to approach the process in a structured way.
Approaching the process in a structured way and preparing appropriate documentation improves the ability to successfully get funding.
Sources of financing:
An investment study is a written document that contains a detailed analysis of investing in business, future business results, and alternative solutions to possible risky situations that future time brings. The study includes information on obtaining the necessary funds, investing, organizing work, marketing and sales, all the way to realizing the benefit (profit) borne by the project.
An investment study will help you spot and take advantage of a great business opportunity, to streamline and manage your business activities, get the credit you need to grow your business, or attract potential investors. The better the investment study is, the more likely the success is.
Financing of projects and business activities should be adjusted to be in line with the strategic goals of the company. The way we structure financing today has an impact on future business and the possibility of additional financing in the future.
The purpose of the investment study is:
The ALPHA CAPITALIS team will create an investment study for you to successfully obtain financing and realize the project in 5 steps:
A credit institution is a legal entity whose business is to receive deposits or other grants from the public, and to approve loans from these funds for its own account.
No matter what stage of business development you are in, there is always funding available, so feel free to contact our experts for any questions or concerns.
The sources of financing for companies in the Republic of Croatia are:
Investors should consider the following when investing in financial instruments traded on the Progress Market:
Two years after the admission to the Exchange, the Advisor continuously monitors whether the Issuer fulfills all its obligations, regulations and rules to which it has committed itself, and accordingly submits an annual report to the Exchange by December 31st accordingly.
If you are interested in applying for EU funds, our experience and knowledge can help you with the following steps:
The implementation of the project is the final stage that begins when you sign the grant agreement.
During the implementation of the project, the project coordinator is obliged to continuously cooperate with the competent authorities and regularly report to them and submit all necessary information.
Grants are one of the forms of funding available to companies to finance strategic project investments as well as regular business activities.
In Croatia, they are most often available through tenders from EU funds and have a prescribed structure and rules that must be followed in order for the application for the targeted tender to be completed according to your wishes and ultimately to acquire the desired amount of grants.
5 steps to make the application satisfactory by the competent authorities:
Financial restructuring is any significant change in the financial structure of a company, its ownership, control and / or business portfolio, all with the aim of increasing the value of the company. It is implemented to overcome financial difficulties, improve business operations, avoid higher tax levies, or for personal management reasons and their goals. The main objective of the restructuring is to reduce company costs and increase net profitability. What is a pre-bankruptcy settlement? A procedure aimed at establishing the liquidity and solvency of the debtor, or re-training the debtor to meet its monetary obligations in a timely manner and to ensure a more lasting ability to meet all monetary obligations.
Company restructuring opportunities:
The ALPHA CAPITALIS team is undertaking a financial restructuring through the following steps:
The ALPHA CAPITALIS team offers the following services:
Razdoblje 2021. – 2027. donosi novi ciklus financiranja iz fondova Europske unije, u kojem Integrirani teritorijalni program (ITP) igra značajnu ulogu u postizanju ravnomjernog i
Tijekom rujna provedeno je javno savjetovanje za Poziv „Ulaganje u učinkovitu upotrebu resursa i potpora prelasku na kružno gospodarstvo“ koji predstavlja važan korak u promicanju
Sukladno očekivanjima, Ministarstvo regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije u svojstvu Upravljačkog tijela ažuriralo je raspored planiranih poziva za Program Konkurentnost i kohezija te Integrirani
Što su norme i certifikati? Norma (standard) je dokument koji sadrži precizne definicije, tehničke specifikacije, kriterije, mjere, pravila i karakteristike koji opisuje materijale, proizvode, procese
Europska unija postavila je ambiciozan cilj postizanja klimatske neutralnosti do 2050. godine. To znači da će EU nastojati smanjiti emisije stakleničkih plinova na nulu ili
Pristupanjem Europskoj uniji, Republika Hrvatska je dobila pravo punopravnog sudjelovanja u aktivnostima Programa Unije čija svrha je omogućiti institucijama u zemljama članicama da EU bespovratnim
Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9,
10110 Zagreb / Sky Office, 19.kat
OIB: 40742241290
MBS: 080810593
IBAN: HR4323600001102358715
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9,
10110 Zagreb / Sky Office, 19.kat
OIB: 14404485248
MBS: 080893769
IBAN: HR9823600001102399338
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
Jezerska 8,
10430 Samobor
OIB: 16796363725
MBS: 081084856
IBAN: HR3023600001102595920
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
Duga ulica 67
32100 Vinkovci
OIB: 43202073675
MBS: 081451393
IBAN: HR7223600001103012943
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
Sustav upravljanja okolišem
Sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnošću na radu
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
Sustav upravljanja okolišem
Sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnošću na radu