ISO 9001:2015 -
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
ISO 14001:2015 -
Sustav upravljanja okolišem
ISO 45001:2018 -
Sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnošću na radu
Helping investors find target companies they want to buy and helps business sellers find a strategic or financial investor.
ALPHA CAPITALIS BUSINESS TRANSFER PLATFORM helps investors find target companies they want to buy and helps business sellers find a strategic or financial investor.
The Business Transfer Platform offers a secure environment and a structured process for selling business and transferring ownership. The platform protects the interests of the seller and the buyer, all with the aim of closing the transaction to the satisfaction of all interested parties.
There is no fixed fee for the ad on the platform.
ALPHA CAPITALIS is a member of Pandea Global M&A, a global acquisition network that connects investors and sellers of various businesses. Pandea Global M&A operates with an emphasis on mergers, acquisitions, recapitalizations and various types of joint ventures, intending to place local projects on the international financial market.
We have provided our clients and partners with access to a large network of international investors. ALPHA CAPITALIS opens access to cross-border transactions for local businesses, and for international investors, we act as a “one stop shop” and a local partner. If you have a project for which you need an investor or if you are selling an existing business, feel free to contact us to present your case to international investors.
Access to a large network of international investors
Access to cross-border transactions
We act as a “one stop shop” and a local partner
Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9,
10110 Zagreb / Sky Office, 19.kat
OIB: 40742241290
MBS: 080810593
IBAN: HR4323600001102358715
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
E: info@alphacapitalis.com
Ul. Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9,
10110 Zagreb / Sky Office, 19.kat
OIB: 14404485248
MBS: 080893769
IBAN: HR9823600001102399338
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
E: info@alphacapitalis.com
Jezerska 8,
10430 Samobor
OIB: 16796363725
MBS: 081084856
IBAN: HR3023600001102595920
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
E: info@alphacapitalis.com
Duga ulica 67
32100 Vinkovci
OIB: 43202073675
MBS: 081451393
IBAN: HR7223600001103012943
T: +385 (1) 580 6656
E: info@alphacapitalis.com
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
Sustav upravljanja okolišem
Sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnošću na radu
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom
Sustav upravljanja okolišem
Sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnošću na radu